Homeopathic & Communication Support for Adults and Children
*Speech *Language *Behaviour *Health *Stroke Recovery
Also see:
I am a registered Homeopath with 29 years experience in NHS Speech and Language Therapy.
With Natural Homeopathic Remedies:
*children are able to make progress in terms of more robust immunity and general health and development, including sleep and behaviour. This impacts positively on their communication skills, unlocking communication potential. Welsh /English support is provided
*for people in recovery, post CVA, clinical evidence shows that stroke recovery can be enhanced with a homeopathic approach. I combine speech therapy support with homeopathic remedies for positive outcomes. Welsh /English support is provided
A New Publication !
Please contact me if you are a Parent, Early Years or Education Provider, or Forest School Leader and would like a copy of this gem of a book to inspire you to support speech and language development in the great outdoors.
Naturally Speaking, Nature-Based Speech Therapy by Alexis Jones
” Outdoor Learning Inspiration for Parents and Educators in the Early Years”
I am passionate about the outdoors and have always included in my programmes of activity for parents and schools, a reference to the importance of hands-on practical learning opportunities and outdoor activities to nurture child development and communication skills.
I live in Carmarthenshire and have been fortunate enough to be able to bring my children up in this beautiful natural environment, where I was also raised, with the beach and surrounding woodlands as our playground.
I am keen to inspire others in the nurturing of communication skills in children, in the context of the therapeutic outdoors.
Discover Homeopathy and Feel Better.