Registered Homeopath
Alexis Jones RSHom LicWSHom
telephone: 07976091129
Click on the email link to arrange an appointment
Homeopathic Medicine for Health Conditions and Emotional Difficulties
Worldwide, millions of people use homeopathic medicines. Homeopathy is a system of natural, traditional medicine, with a 200 year history of effectiveness.
Being a Homeopath is something I am very grateful for. I have seen so many people’s physical and mental health improve with the natural remedies, with a decrease in physical and emotional pain and increased energy.
Feel free to phone me, to find out more about how Homeopathy can help you. There is no charge for this initial enquiry.
When going ahead to book a consultation for a particular health condition or emotional difficulty, consultation appointments can be home visits, in clinic, online, or by phone, depending on what suits you best..
In 1999 The European Parliament called for Homeopathy to be integrated into medical practice. Homeopathy is a form of complementary healthcare which works with our body’s natural healing process and has been successfully used for over 200 years. In February 2018 GP Dr Michael Dixon, chair of the College of Medicine, says: ‘It’s hard to see why access to homeopathy on the NHS should be denied. It complements conventional medicine and, in some cases, the use of drugs is reduced’
Discover Homeopathy and Feel Better